O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star. Thou art the Mighty and the Powerful.
خدایا هدایت نما حفظ فرما سراجِ روشن کن ستارۀ درخشنده نما توئی مقتدر و توانا
حضرت عبدالبهاء
This most beloved of all Bahá’í prayers for children was originally included in a letter from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to a certain “Mrs. E.C.” (Ella Cooper) and published in Star of the West, vol. 9, no. 10 (September 8, 1918), p. 114. You can see the prayer in the second-to-last paragraph on the right-hand column of that page by following this link.

Interesting Fact
The portion of this earlier translation which reads “illumine the lamp of my heart” is actually a mistranslation of the original text, whereby siráj-i-rawshan kun has been misread as siráj rawshan kun. It was later changed to correctly read “make of me a shining lamp,” which is now part of the authorized translation of this prayer.
Original Sources
Further References