This exalted utterance is like unto water for quenching
the fire of hate and enmity which smoldereth
within the hearts and breasts of men.By this single utterance contending peoples
and kindreds will attain the light of true unity.Verily He speaketh the truth and leadeth the way.
He is the All-Powerful, the Exalted, the Gracious.

The Utterance Project – World Languages is the companion channel to the main Utterance Project channel. The mission to “engage with the Bahá’í Writings in the original Arabic and Persian” is the same, but the reach is global, as we are constantly adding languages in which the words of The Báb, Bahá’u’lláh, and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá are subtitled to cater to the population of the world who cannot access videos subtitled only in English.
You can access our current World Languages publications by choosing whether you want to see all the publication in one language or all the languages published in a prayer or selection. Both options are available below, as well as in the top-level menu below “World Languages”.
You may also quickly navigate to language playlists by selecting the language of your choice in the linked tabs on the right-hand menu of any page in the website.
We add new World Languages videos every week, so please check back regularly!
If you would like to help us translate the videos into your language, you may contact us here.

If you need a guide to the two-part code in front of each prayer you can click on the button below to access the relevant page: